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Secure and User Controlled Data Sharing in Smart Grid

主讲人 :容淳铭教授 地点 :新科研楼610 开始时间 : 2019-11-12 15:00 结束时间 : 2019-11-12 17:00



容淳铭,挪威斯塔万格大学教授,挪威工程院院士,联合国工业发展组织中挪创新中心主任,中国科学院海外评审专家,CCF区块链专委会顾问(首届专委),IEEE云计算主席,IEEE区块链联合主席,IEEE计算机协会区块链专委主席,高性能计算技术联盟(TCHPC)执行委员。容教授还是StandICT.EU的顾问,以支持欧洲的ICT标准化活动。他是斯塔万格大学基于IP的服务创新中心(CIPSI)的负责人,是两个初创公司bitYogaDataunitor在挪威的共同创始人,两公司均于2018年获得欧盟卓越奖。他是NORCE(2016-2019)的首席大数据行动高级科学家,CSA挪威分会(2016-2017)的副主席。他的研究工作集中在云计算,数据分析,网络安全和区块链。他是IEEE的高级会员,自2011年以来一直是挪威技术科学研究院(NTVA)的会员。他在行业和学术界拥有广泛的联系网和项目。他还是IEEE CloudCom会议和workshop的创始人和指导主席。他是Springer Journal of Cloud Computing (ISSN: 2192-113X)的主编,自2016年以来担任IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing(TCC)的指导主席(2016-2019),指导委员和副主编。容教授指导了26位博士,9位博士后和60多个硕士。他在挪威和欧盟管理大型研发项目方面拥有丰富的经验。

Prof. Chunming Rong is the chair of IEEE Cloud Computing and an executive member of Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) and the chair of STC on Blockchain in IEEE Computer Society, and served as global co-chair of IEEE Blockchain in 2018. Prof. Rong is also advisor of the StandICT.EU to support European standalization activities in ICT. He works as the head of the Center for IP-based Service Innovation (CIPSI) at the University of Stavanger (UiS). He is also co-founder of two start-ups bitYoga and Dataunitor in Norway, both received EU Seal of Excellence Award in 2018. He was adjunct Senior Scientist leading Big-Data Initiative at NORCE (2016-2019), the vice president of CSA Norway Chapter (2016-2017). His research work focuses on cloud computing, data analytics, cyber security and blockchain. He is an IEEE senior member and is honoured as member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) since 2011. He has extensive contact network and projects in both the industry and academic. He is also founder and Steering Chair of IEEE CloudCom conference and workshop series. He is co-Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Cloud Computing (ISSN: 2192-113X) by Springer, has served as the steering chair (2016-2019), steering member and associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) since 2016. Prof. Rong has supervised 26 PhDs, 9 PostDocs and more than 60 master projects. He has extensive experience in managing large-scale R&D projects, both in Norway and EU.



There is now access to multiple energy sources and an increased need for coordination of production and consumption in modern energy systems with digitization in many workflows and processes. As consumers turn to producing consumers (prosumers), there are significant challenges for phase and voltage keeping avoiding affecting the central grid in a negative way. Energy management in general and coordination of demand is challenging since individual consumers do not have any agreed standards for collaboration. Prosumers has a new ability to contribute energy back to the grid and there is a need for fast and efficient settlement which can also encourage contribution and reduce peak load. Production and transport elements must have real-time monitoring to ensure safe and timely control and management. The energy system must be built robust and secure to safeguard consumers and ensure business continuity also in situations of energy system component failure, cyber-attacks or natural disasters. These situations have very different requirements for preventive measures but share the need for a coordinated response from the grid operator in real-time. A key issue in all situations is reliable and real-time communication throughout the Smart Energy Sharing Network. Blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), through recent development, have not only enabled simple transactions, but also complex computation on a network where parties are geographically distant or have no particular trust in each other to interact and exchange value and information on a fully distributed basis with fewer to non-existent central intermediaries. Many popular applications are cloud related. These advances are now not just limited to the financial sector, but also new internet applications can harness these building blocks to empower users to take control of their online footprint, such as in healthcare, social media and other digital services. We are building an open source hub for a secure and source-controlled blockchain ecosystem, as the gathering place for academic researchers, practitioners and business innovators alike, where they may meet and work together online to embrace, promote and enhance blockchain technologies and their applications.


