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Towards a Dynamic and Smart Connected World: From Photonics to Neuromorphic

主讲人 :Prof. Mable Fok 地点 :科研楼314会议室 开始时间 : 2019-11-08 09:30 结束时间 :

Microwave system is an essential element in commercial, civilian, federal, and defense marketplace. It governs a variety of systems including wireless communications, satellite communications, sensor networks, instrumentation, and warfare systems. The demand of anywhere anytime high-quality service imposes challenges to existing microwave processing systems, due to the tight requirement on mobility, dynamic, adaptation, bandwidth, and operational frequency. Our research focuses on the use of both photonics techniques and neuromorphic algorithms for the development of enabling technologies for smart, adaptive, and dynamic wideband microwave systems. During this seminar, Prof. Fok will discuss the technologies they developed for dynamic heterogeneous multiband communications, point-by-point spectral shaping, spectral-coexist full-duplex systems, and bio-inspired jamming avoidance in uncoordinated communications.

